pressing questions that come up in daily life in Kansas:
how long ago was I outside?
please, please let it be from outside and not inside.
has it been living in my hair?
is it a girl monsterbug?
did it lay a colony in my hair?
how long will I have to stand under scalding water to eliminate said colony?
what did the insert in my water bill say about the water being "not exactly drinkable"?
doesn't skin drink water?
is that crawly feeling all over just the "heebie-jeebies" or is the colony hatching?!
oh Lord... I miss the peace and safety of Brooklyn.
They're hatching!
I know you are but what am I?
very funny!
this does not make me want to move to BS...you must stop posting bugs..actually..the girls would love all the science projects..yikes
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